I was taking care of a middle-aged patient recently who was experiencing a recurrent bout of diverticulitis this time severe and with a small abscess. It’s at a stage where surgery to remove part of the colon is necessary but the surgeon wants to let things “cool down” for a few weeks. So my role […]
Zero Ebola in Liberia
The last known patient with Ebola in Liberia was discharged from a hospital on Thursday. It’s a momentous occasion. Next up are Guinea and Sierra Leone. Let’s put this horrific Ebola epidemic of 2014-2015 behind us soon, and let’s not forget to build up the health care infrastructure in these countries and in those of […]
It’s Official – I Have an American Accent
For the third time since moving to “the real America” patients have confided in me their distaste, distrust, and disapproval of “foreign doctors”. Each time I wonder if they are secretly talking about me but no these are patients who have no qualms putting their doctor in her or his place. Like the man who […]
After ID Fellowship, What Next?
Second year of infectious disease fellowship was supposed to be great. It being the last year of my medical training, I was going to relax, take it slow, complete and publish my research, find a job, and just chill. My, have I been mistaken. Second year is certainly easier than first year in terms of […]
Code Blue Bells in Ghana – The Final Countdown
As I type this Europe’s The Final Countdown is doing its rounds over and over again in my head and being mixed up with TKZee’s Shibobo. Oh, it’s already my last week in Ghana. Sobbing! How soon? So soon! I’m already in mourning. Soon I will be wrapped up in many layers of clothing, shovelling […]