It doesn’t take long in the practice of medicine, indeed in the training for the practice of medicine, to learn humility. To understand our limits in our understanding of a disease process, in our abilities to heal patients, and in our own importance in the grand scheme of things. Yet as physicians and as experts […]
The Pay Gap for Women in Medicine
The now-infamous comment about the pay gap for women in medicine in the Dallas Medical Journal unfortunately represents a belief not as rare as one would hope. It is the belief that the gender pay gap in medicine is deserved. While I do agree that if one works fewer hours one should expect to be […]
Aha! I Feel Vindicated.
Vindicated! In a recent post, I took aim at a BusinessWeek article and site comments that insinuated that women doctors were a waste of money using the changing scope of medicine as their proof. I countered that those same changes were very much welcomed by the young men in medicine as well and that the […]
Women Doctors: Waste of Money? I think not!
A friend forwarded me an article from the British Medical Journal titled “Are There Too Many Female Medical Graduates? Yes”. My friend is a Ghanaian woman who is in the research years of an MD/PhD degree at Harvard. She was none too pleased. I didn’t get riled up because objectively the points raised are grossly true. […]