An elderly Black woman goes to visit her family in Jamaica. Soon after returning home to the United States she has a fever and presents to the Emergency Room for evaluation. She is triaged into a solitary room where no-one takes her vitals and no-one evaluates her. Instead, the Emergency Room physician places a call […]
Plight of Rural Medicine – Dating Woes!
An article in the Washington Post caught my eye today. It features a young family practice physician who is frustrated with providing medical care in rural Virginia. She grew up in the Washington DC suburbs and went to top-class schools where she excelled. Now she lives in Charlottesville, VA and commutes 46 miles round trip […]
Sleep Deprivation in Medical Education
Going to Seattle for the SHEA/CDC Training Course proved to be very tiring. I flew JetBlue and had no flight delays or mishaps with the exception of a $7 blanket offer and lack of peanut snacks as someone on the plane had a severe nut allergy. I flew on late night flights to and fro, spent […]
Wash Your Hands Before You Pick Your Nose!
Wash your hands before you pick your nose! Those were the parting words from our microbiology lab director. I started fellowship in the Microbiology lab. 3 weeks of bliss compared to what was to come. The goals were to learn the fundamentals of clinical microbiology, to become better consultants by being able to actually interpret […]