The now-infamous comment about the pay gap for women in medicine in the Dallas Medical Journal unfortunately represents a belief not as rare as one would hope. It is the belief that the gender pay gap in medicine is deserved. While I do agree that if one works fewer hours one should expect to be […]
Black Women in Medicine
Black women in medicine have taken over social media and for good reason. On Sunday, Dr. Tamika Cross, a resident in Obstetrics-Gynaecology who also happens to be a young Black woman, took to Facebook to voice her displeasure at being treated condescendingly by a flight attendant when she tried to offer her medical services for […]
New Doc on the Wards
It’s not easy being the new doc on the wards. This time around seems more frustrating than the transition from fellow to attending, even though that transition was fraught with worry as I had inadvertently found myself in a solo practice. I had become comfortable in my surroundings. I knew the way the hospital worked. […]
Letting Bygones Be Bygones
When I was in my second year of ID fellowship making that decision not to pursue a third year of training, I diligently read about what to look for and what to avoid when searching for that first job out of residency/fellowship. I did not want to make any grave mistakes. Ha! After carefully researching, […]