Last week I attended graduation at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago where I had the honour of hooding my cousin during the Special Hooding Ceremony. Our grandfather, now departed, a champion of academic excellence, would have been so proud.
Later at the Graduation Ceremony itself I was reminded of the high expectations and standards to which we as physicians are held to in our professional careers.
As we recited the Physician’s Pledge I thought back to my own medical school graduation fifteen years ago. I cannot tell you what was said or who said what. All I remember is the joy of becoming a physician.
In welcoming my cousin to the physician family I shared these thoughts on social media.
You did it! 🎊
As you go forward into residency remember patients are people whose trust you are to earn. Listen.
To be a physician is to live a life full of the sorrows and heartaches of others. Take Care Of Yourself.
They say learning in medical school is like trying to drink from a fire hydrant. Well, you will learn a whole lot more in residency but even when you are out in practice you won’t know everything. Be Humble.
The beauty of our field is that we are constantly improving the science that dictates what we do. The challenge of our field is that we are constantly improving the science that dictates what we do. Our advantage is the skill of analytical logic honed over the years that differentiates us from Dr. Google and the alternative health/wellness practitioners. Own Your Worth.
You are entering medicine at a time when physicians, and science quite frankly, are being made out to be the enemy and being belittled as a “provider”. You will most likely encounter a slew of burnout physicians who have given up hope. See them, have compassion for them, but don’t become them. Be Nice To Your Colleagues.
There are a whole lot of really smart, compassionate, and conscientious healthcare professionals who are not MDs who will work alongside you. Respect Them.
Thank you for asking me to hood you cousin. Welcome To Medicine! 🎉
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